Modern Home Design in 4 Easy Steps

There’s something that’s just plain appealing about having a modern home with modern furniture. In recent years, modern home design and decor has seen a dramatic increase in popularity in terms of the number of home builders, modernized subdivisions and modern furniture outlets that are out there. Want to be part of hottest new trend in interior design and home decorating? Here’s how you can take the first step.Start With One RoomModernizing a home doesn’t have to be a head-first dive into a shallow river. In fact, it’s much easier to modernize your home in smaller, more comfortable steps. Start the project with a particular room in mind and begin by buying modern furniture for that particular room. Choose a room that you spend a lot of time in or one that gets a lot of traffic from visitors and family members, that way you’ll get the most out of your designing budget by impressing those who visit your home with the new modern furniture you’ll be buying.Pick a PieceAfter you’ve selected a room, choose a piece of furniture that you want to emphasize and build your room around it. For example, if you want to redesign your bedroom, build it around, well, a modern bed. If you want to emphasize your living room, try starting with a modern sofa or center piece. This will give the room a sense of focus and inspiration. It’s always much, much easier to pick a single piece of furniture that you really enjoy and to build a room around it, instead of trying to pack a room full of a hundred different pieces of modern furniture that you only slightly enjoy.Consider the Size of the RoomThe size of the room should be something you consider before you start buying loads of furniture. If the room is large, odds are it’ll be the most expensive one to decorate. To be honest, most modern furniture isn’t cheap. You don’t want to break the bank by starting with the largest room in your home. To get the most out of your money, it’s best to start with the smallest room that you spend the most time in. Try starting with a bedroom or small office and expanding from there.Do Your ResearchMake a list of the furniture that’s in the room you selected. Take this list, go online, and see how much it will cost to replace all of your current furniture with modern furniture. You want to make sure that you’re prepared to spend the amount of money necessary to redesign the whole room. Rooms with modern furniture tend to not mix well with other furniture so you want to make sure you replace it all with one fell swoop. For instance, let’s start with the bed. Do a Google search for “modern furniture beds” and write down the price. Move on to the next piece, write down that price and so on. Do this until your list is complete and add up all of the prices you found to get a good number for a budget. If the final number seems reasonable, start your project!